"SOCIAL" -- Pillar of Sustainability

              E C O N O M I C   |   E N E R G Y   |    E N V I R O N M E N T A L    |    S O C I A L

In this era of stewardship and increased social responsibility, accountability and transparency is crucial. The impacts of the economy, global war on terror, energy and environmental concerns mandate open communications. Organizations increasingly need to measure themselves against non-financial indicators which are increasingly earning respect and validity. Social Responsibility reporting is more than just a good business practice it is a way to demonstrate values at work. Values help to define the role and impact of organizations in the communities and strengthen their reputation as good corporate citizens.

Social impacts
The GRI (Global Reporting Initiative) is a multi-stakeholder governed institution collaborating to provide the global standards in sustainability reporting. Their vision states “disclosure on economic, environmental, and social performance is as commonplace and comparable as financial reporting, and important to organizational success.” When considering climate change, the global economy, and critical need for new sustainable business models, measuring and reporting on carbon emissions is a baseline requirement for an organizations’ transparency.

The need for transparency can be addressed with a Sustainable Performance Governance Solution which provides the foundation information needed to make important decisions that are in alignment with the organizations’ core mission and corproate responsibility objectives. Visibility across the organization and into the often disparate and isolated pockets of is a requirement to understand the impact of decisions.

This knowledge, alongside built-in comparative data, knowledge of their energy usage and carbon emissions, and results of other key performance indicators, organizations can make significant progress in tackling their social responsibility initiatives.